

I'm a graduate student from the University of Windsor pursuing Master of Applied Computing, and have a passion for Software/Web Development along with keen interest in the field of Data Science

A little glimpse of me

Graduating in August 2020, with a GPA of 4.0 and currently working as a Techinical Analyst Intern at BlackBerry.I have 10+ projects on GitHub, and also certified in Python and Problem Solving Skills in Hackerrank with a gold batch. Proficiency in Programming Languages as Python, JavaScript, Java, PL/SQL and strong knowledge of Web services/frameworks such as
Django, Flask and REST API's and various Database technologies like MySQL, SQLite3 ,PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server , CouchDB, MongoDB, Cassandra, Neo4j and novice skills in Data Visualization libraries and tools such as Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Tableau, Power BI and Rapid Miner.
Check out my Projects below
August 2020

Diamond Collector

A simple ASCII Character game developed using python and curses modules, also can maintain a high score, inspired from the classic game "Snake"

July 2020


Built a simple Tweet bot using tweepy and python3 that provides the user with the following functionality:
1. Read the user's feed
2. Tweet from the user's account
3. Search for user's followers
4. Update profile description
5. Search for tweets based on keywords

May 2020

COVID-19 Visualization

Built a simple yet robust visualization of COVID-19 cases by reading live updated data from Git repository, creating a data frame, and adjusting its view and then generating plot using lib functions
• Technologies: Python, Pandas and Matplotlib

November 2019

The Bookstore

It's an MVT Web app created using Django,Python, SQlite3, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS for a online bookstore that allows to store book details, orders, ratings, reviews and also, Member details such as name, email, profile picture , type of membership.

August 2019

Chatter Pi

Designed a web-service based client-server communication prototype which can send and receive text and audio messages asynchronously amongst multiple Raspberry Pi’s and a Server, Developed the web-service and the webpage/interface for the server using Flask and Python
• Technologies: Python 3, Flask, PyAudio and Socket Programming

May 2019

Bash Shell Prototype

Developed a Client-Server program using Socket Programming in C, to implement a simple remote shell connection which could run bash shell commands with ability to handle multiple clients synchronously

February 2019

Fast Find

Implemented a prototype of a web search engine, using HTML parsing, caching, indexing, word suggestion, and web page ranking techniques
• Technologies used include Java, AngularJS, and JAX-RS

May 2018


Developed a web service based automated home security system which detected the presence of a person in front of the door and would open the door for a registered person, Implemented and optimized Python script for the facial recognition mechanism using OpenCV library
• Technologies: Python, Flask, HTML, CSS Hardware: Raspberry Pi & Camera module, Microcontroller


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